My granddad was a survivor from a concentration camp in WWII. His life time struggle with post-traumatic stress inspired me to rethink his life story and search for answers. Sirens is a long term project on displacement, the transmission of trauma through generations, and the human condition. By using found images from family albums from various countries, I try to show a previous state of existence where life was normal, with its happy, sad and special moments, life events, and family gatherings. A family album is somewhere where everyone can find comfort, even on a stranger’s one. My installation consists of framed photographs as well as isolated figures that represent shadows of their previous selves. Through history there have been many wars and cases when people turned from someone to no one. Unfortunately, this seems to be never ending.
Definition of SIRENS: 1. Devices that alarm for danger through a loud and prolonged sound. 2. Sea Nymphs that, according to Greek Mythology, lure sailors to death through their seductive singing. *part of the project HOME, organised by Photometria Greek Festival in Ioannina and KA Atelier, Ankara. |